Tuesday, February 4, 2025

The Grounding Companion by Donna Raskin

Book cover
The Grounding Companion
by Donna Raskin

ISBN-13: 9780760393109
Hardback: 160 pages
Publisher: Fair Winds Press
Released: February 4, 2025

Source: ebook review copy from the publisher through NetGalley.

Book Description, Modified from Goodreads:
The Grounding Companion is your practical guide to using nature as medicine. This compact and gifty reference gives you the fascinating science of grounding and simple grounding practices you can use anywhere, anytime to reap the benefits of this powerful practice.

Electromagnetism and health: the benefits of being outside
The top grounding locations around the world: the earth’s key energy points
Grounding foods and practices
Methods and techniques for grounding: forest bathing to yoga and meditation

My Review:
The Grounding Companion is about 'grounding oneself' in the sense of being aware of the moment you're in and your body, preferably while touching something from nature. It's not about what is popularly called earthing or grounding: putting your bare skin against the grass or dirt, walking barefoot along a seashore or in a creek, etc.

The first chapter described how the body is electrically-based and how man-made EMFs can be harmful. Despite being the chapter on the science behind grounding, only one scientific research article was briefly referred to on the benefits of grounding. The book's definition of a "free radical" doesn't match what I understood it to be nor what a subsequent search of medical websites described it as. Despite some 'science' terms, I felt like the author didn't really understand the topic.

Chapter 2 was on grounding techniques, like have live plants on your desk or touch a stone (while inside) or put your feet on the floor. The author stated that actual contact with the earth/ground is not necessary. In fact, one technique could be done while lying in bed. The techniques are short, breathing-and-movement based meditations 'grounding' you in the moment and in your body to help you deal with anxiety or panic attacks.

The author did mention grounding mats and erroneously stated that "...the mat conducts electricity to your feet through a grounding wire that you plug into an outlet. Some mats come with special adapters to ensure that the electricity is properly grounded." Actually, no electricity is involved and all grounding mats only attach to the ground in the outlet, thus are grounded. There were enough science-based errors up to this point that I just gave up on the book. I can't recommend it.

If you've read this book, what do you think about it? I'd be honored if you wrote your own opinion of the book in the comments.