Monday, February 19, 2024

What the Nurses Saw by Ken McCarthy

Book cover
What the Nurses Saw
by Ken McCarthy

ISBN-13: 9798870191508
Paperback: 513 pages
Publisher: Berkley
Released: December 8, 2023

Source: ebook review copy from the publisher through NetGalley.

Book Description, Modified from Goodreads:
No human activity can ever be free from error, but calling the failed COVID protocols “errors” is not accurate. These protocols were explicitly ordered by those who took dictatorial control of the medical system early in the Panic (spring of 2020). Further, when they were shown to be demonstrably failing and harming many thousands of people, experienced healthcare professionals who raised informed concerns were silenced through demotion, firing, and organized campaigns of harassment promoted by the news media and enabled by companies like Google, Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok, in some cases in collaboration with the White House and the Department of Justice’s FBI.

Featuring in-depth interviews with Erin Marie Olszewski, Kevin Corbett Ph.D., Kimberly Overton, Ashley Grogg, Kristen Nagle, Sarah Choujounian, AJ DePriest, Mark Bishofsky, and Katie Spence. What the Nurses Saw is documentation of what happens in the real world when bureaucrats, in this case bureaucrats in Washington DC, take literal dictatorial control over the practice of medicine.

My Review:
What the Nurses Saw is a collection of interview transcripts of people who worked in the hospitals during the COVID Crisis or who has important information about the medical protocols used to treat COVID. The author, Ken McCarthy, apparently does video interviews, and when he saw nurses speaking out about harmful procedures being used to treat COVID patients, he interviewed them. Several of the interviews where with highly qualified nurses who traveled to New York at the beginning of COVID when the governor of that state appealed for nursing help. They described what it was like to work under those conditions and how the protocols being handled down from above where harming people who might otherwise have survived. Anyone who spoke out against the harm being done was moved to another area of the hospital or were fired. He also interviewed nurses who worked in other areas of the USA as well as nurses in the UK and Canada.

The author also covered topics like how online censorship and harassment was coordinated against those who spoke up, and he talked to a respiratory therapist to uncover why venting people so quickly was a bad idea and to someone who documented the money trail showing how hospitals were paid a lot of money to test for COVID and follow only the new protocols being pushed by those not on the front lines. I knew there had been payments to encourage using certain drugs or procedures, but the details of the 'money trail' are rather horrifying because it's obvious certain people wanted the hospitals to prioritize making money over what's best for the individual patient. Overall, I'd highly recommend this book.

If you've read this book, what do you think about it? I'd be honored if you wrote your own opinion of the book in the comments.